Monday, November 16, 2009

11/4/09-11/8/09 – This Little Piggy…

I arrived back home in the Bay Area feeling extremely bloated, puffy and fat. When I weighed myself, I was shocked to discover that I had gained NINE pounds in my two weeks on the road. Fortunately, five of the nine pounds was water weight, but gaining four pounds in two weeks was not a good thing. If I kept gaining weight at that rate, I would be FORTY pounds heavier by the end of the tour!

Eating on the road is difficult for many reasons. It is not always easy to find healthy, filling food everywhere and it is often trying to reach a consensus on where to eat. And then there are the portions…the restaurant servings are large, and refrigeration and access to a microwave are impossible, so we feel impelled to eat every last bit to get our money’s worth. Many times, we are forced to spend long hours sitting in the van following a large meal. And we have had access to a fitness center at only a handful of our hotels. No wonder I packed the pounds on! I knew that for the next part of the tour, portion-control would be key, along with being more physically active during our down time. My costume simply does not allow me any extra room to gain weight.

Life on the road also has its other share of issues. There is the loss of sense of time and location - we have a hard time remembering what day it is and where we are. There are the backaches and neckaches from sleeping in the van or on lumpy beds and pillows. There is homesickness and depression from missing loved ones. There is the bloating, water retention and constipation. Our poor little bodies are having a hard time adjusting to our changes in routine and time, and I am not quite sure if these issues will ever be corrected with more time on the road.

My break at home was spent at the gym, exercising away my new poundage, in the kitchen, cooking healthy and nutritious cuisine, and in bed, catching up on lost sleep. Five days to get my body and mind back on track before hitting the road again.

Next stop – Lutcher Theater in Orange, TX. Until the next adventure…


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